Keeping me awake.

Trying to catch up with life is rather time consuming and tiring...

My to-do list seems to be getting bigger and bigger, and my ideas for things I want to do for myself are expanding as well. Oh dear. I need to somehow pause time so I can catch up on everything and then press play again.

I'm just about to get stuck into some new projects which I'm excited to work on...

  • Mother's day cards and gifts (for my own mother and step-mother that is), which I will post about once they're done!
  • Surf/beach themed 40th birthday invitation
  • A possibly lace themed wedding invitation suite
  • A record themed wedding invitation suite

So now I just need to get my head back in the game. Aaaaaaand go...

These are some wonderful white gerberas I got a few weeks ago (yes, late posting, as usual) and one of them had cute little pink tips! These flowers made me decide that I need a white vase. I just haven't found any good ones yet...

Looking forward to the Katy Perry concert this Saturday! I've heard nothing but good things about her tour so far so I'm pretty excited! Minus the fact that my best friend Brit couldn't make it up from Christchurch for it. Booooooo.

We didn't get to go to Tree Adventures last weekend. It was too windy so they closed all the high courses since the trees were swaying too much. Booooo again. We will try again probably not this weekend because the weather has taken a turn for the worse (re: the tornado that popped up in Albany, Auckland), so maybe the weekend after that. I'm excited! Even though I'm sore from just going ten-pin bowling. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME! I'm so unfit!

Alright, enough blabbing on for me. I need to get onto that list of things to do! Ciao!


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